Master the change
The definitive guide to effective change management in the implementation of an ERP

The world is transforming at an incredible speed and change is a constant in human evolution. Currently, there are more and more companies that, in their search for new technologies, ways of working and interacting, decide to become leading agents of change. 

 To achieve this, it is essential to consider a series of processes that help overcome resistance to change and facilitate the effective adoption of advanced technological tools and solutions, such as an ERP solution. For this reason, we present you with a complete guide that covers everything from the stages of change management to the considerations to overcome the main challenges that may arise along the way. 

But let's start with the fundamentals, what is change management and why is it relevant in the implementation of a new ERP solution? 

Change management refers to the set of processes and strategies used to facilitate the successful transition of an organization, team or individual from a current situation to a desired situation. In the implementation of a new ERP software, it guarantees a smooth and successful transition, minimizing resistance, maximizing effective adoption and aligning the organization towards the desired objectives with the implementation of the system. 

What are the main challenges?

The implementation of a new ERP system implies changes in the processes, roles and ways of working of the employees. Resistance to change can arise due to fear of the unknown, a lack of understanding of the benefits of ERP, or perceived threats to job stability. Overcoming this resistance and fostering acceptance of change is a key challenge. 

On the other hand, effective communication is an essential part of the process. The objectives, benefits and reasons behind the implementation of the ERP must be clearly communicated, providing regular updates and responding to the concerns of each collaborator. 

Communication also plays a key role in managing expectations as it will prevent frustration and discontent in case a clear vision of the impact or limitations of the ERP solution has not been provided. 

Other factors such as insufficient training, inadequate resource allocation, lack of proper planning or work overload can negatively affect change management.

Stages of change management 

Now that you know the challenges to overcome, it is necessary to understand each of the stages that make up the transition process in general. This will make it possible to mitigate errors and create strategies that facilitate the adoption of the new system. Next, we’ll explain each of them: 

Evaluation and preparation 

In this stage, the organizational culture and the disposition of the collaborators are evaluated, to better understand how the proposed changes will be received. In addition, impacts are identified and relevant stakeholders are involved in the process. Finally, a comprehensive communication and training plan is designed to ensure that all employees are informed and prepared. 

Communication and dissemination 

Here, strategies are implemented to transmit the benefits of the new ERP solution to collaborators and other interested parties. We must identify and address possible resistance to change, providing clear and persuasive information on the advantages and opportunities that the system brings. In addition, we will have to promote the active involvement of both employees and senior management, encouraging their participation and commitment in the implementation process. 

Training and accompaniment 

In this phase, personalized and effective training programs are developed, adapted to the different functions and levels of the organization. Practical workshops and training sessions are carried out, which include real business scenarios such as: sales, payments, and product reservations, among others. The goal is to provide the necessary skills and knowledge so that employees can use the new system effectively in their daily work. 

Preparation for implementation 

Thorough preparation is essential before starting implementation to ensure the success of the process. During this period, it is crucial to carry out rigorous testing in the pre-production environment to verify functionality and process flow. Identifying and fixing any issues or bugs before going live will allow you to have a high-quality final deployment.

To make sure we cover all the necessary aspects, here are some requirements that can be added to your pre-deployment checklist: 

  • Validate that all collaborators have an associated user in the new system. 

  • Verify that all users can access the platform without problems. 

  • Check that each area is aware and validate that the uploaded information is complete and up to date for smooth usage in the new system. 

  • Make sure that all the collaborators are aware of the dates of the change and their roles in the platform.

Implementation and monitoring 

At this point, a backup and contingency plan should be established, in case problems arise during the production implementation. In this way, any eventuality can be addressed and the impact on the operation of the system minimized. 

In addition, a continuous monitoring system must be implemented to assess the performance of the system once it is in production. Ideally, you should have a functional and technical support team available to resolve any queries or issues users may face after going live. 

Another important aspect is the monitoring of the key performance indicators and making the necessary adjustments to optimize the operation of the system.  

Finally, establish response times with your team to solve unforeseen events that may arise during the transition period, thus ensuring a prompt resolution of any unexpected situation.

Finally, we want to give you some tips that will undoubtedly make a difference when it comes to carrying out successful change management. 

  • Early involvement of key employees and leaders. 

  •  Constant and transparent communication.  

  • Establishment of clear and measurable goals.  

  • Creation of a multidisciplinary team that allows helping other collaborators with their doubts about the new system. 

  •  Celebrating milestones and achievements during the implementation process. 

Remember that change management requires careful planning, effective communication, proper training, and constant follow-up. At Pragmatic we address these aspects in a comprehensive way so that your company can overcome the challenges and make the most of the benefits of a new ERP system like Odoo, boosting the efficiency, productivity and growth of the company. 

Your company deserves a smooth and professional

change management.

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